Topics that interest me
I will write from time to time about topics related to my work.
Climate protection - What is ecofeminism?
What is ecofeminism? Ecofeminism combines ecological and feminist concerns. The societies we live in today are primarily masculine. Ecofeminist approaches are based on the parallelism or the structural...
The connection with the earth
We humans have forgotten how to connect with the planet we live on. Do you also sometimes have the feeling of losing sight of what is essential and of having lost the connection with the earth? And this despite the fact that there is such a strong dependence on...
The decolonization of knowledge consists in breaking the monopoly of Western thought. This is done by opening up to other forms of knowledge. It is about breaking the system of power promoted by colonialism. This can only be achieved if the...
Education for sustainable development
The field of education for sustainable development educates people about the impact their own actions will have on future generations. By interacting in a globalized world, it can be challenging to understand the impact of one's own...
indigenous peoples in Latin America
Indigenous peoples in South America are the people from about 340 indigenous communities living in the Andean and Amazon basins. In most cases, they protect the virgin forest in which they live. There is a belief there that the forest, which gives you food, should be...
Cultural Diversity and its Integration in German Society
Cultural diversity in Germany has long been part of normality. Different religions, origins and languages are an integral part of our society. This makes it all the more important to promote cultural diversity and foster coexistence through a...
Inka Kultur? Aus welcher Perspektive?
Die Inka-Kultur, von Südamerika ausgehend, und die europäische Perspektive sind zwei faszinierende Aspekte der Menschheitsgeschichte, die auf unterschiedlichen Kontinenten entstanden sind. Sie repräsentieren mannigfaltige kulturelle Hintergründe, Lebensweisen und...
My contact details
Gaststraße 42, 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg – Deutschland
Arrange appointment
Book an appointment with me to answer your questions
Opening time
Monday - Friday: 13:00 - 18:00
Cell phone number in Germany: +491786685109 (Whatsapp, Telegram, Signal)
Mobile number in Latin America: +55(21)968828333